The Journey from an Idiot to an Ideologist

Aditya Singh
3 min readOct 25, 2021


In the twenty-first century, ‘do you believe in soulmates’ is a very commonly asked question and had someone asked this question from me a few years past, I would have gladly said no, which I now remember as an answer and laugh at what an idiot I was. But as they say, there is one crucial moment in life when you realise how wrong you’d been in the past. The day I read about Pam Reynold’s NDE case in the Readers’ Digest, I realised what a fool of a man I was, how the society around me mended me to its will, and I didn’t even realise it earlier, but better late then never right! I am a descendent from privileged Rajput kingly kin. I always used to think that a person’s nature, the tendency to understand others and the ability to love pulsed in one’s blood as everyone believed it. It depended upon which caste they belonged to, and numerous consciousnesses now make me realise how backward and filthy my thinking was. I had to think about something more revolutionary, something that truly satisfies the actual situations. Short after my interaction with the fact that religionism and casteism are nothing but a border that divide human societies, I quickly got distant from things that prove me guilty, including all others. I tried hard to get as far away as possible from the corrupt ancient Indian ideologies like caste divided societies, male-dominated societies, and blind belief in God etc.

Despite my best tries, I couldn’t shake off one thing that always came to my mind when I heard the word marriage around me, and that was intercaste marriage. Prior, I believed that marriage was best if arranged in the same community or caste because of the similarities between societies two individuals grew up, as ordinarily, the individuals would have very familiar mindsets. But when I came across a phenomenon known as NDE, faced by various people over time, it helped me change my opinion to a better and hopefully the correct one. I never believed that something like soulmates could ever exist because such things often occurred in fairy tales and ancient manuscripts, which I usually shun. But my recent ideas that the human body only works as a host for the soul to exist in the physical plane. And for such a process, there need not be an order of choosing the host by the soul. Hence, a soul can randomly enter the brain of an individual and hereafter render life. In such a tedious case, determining the individual whose body a particular soul would enter is an impossible task. There are likely chances that a soul would enter the body of someone from privileged to a shunned caste. It doubtlessly aims towards the fact that if I, for instance, die as a Rajput, there are likely chances of me having a rebirth in a socially rejected caste. If so is possible, what are the odds that two souls, which are to be together, take birth in the same community?

The same question if someone asks me today, I will be proud to say yes because of the massive realisation and for the ones who think of this as a no, I would tell them this experience of mine to give them another perspective to analyse this topic. We as a united human community must understand the importance of love between individuals. Just imagining how heavenly it would seem when two souls, destined for one another, find each other and realise each other’s importance in their lives. How heavenly would it be to see two individuals talking to each other without speaking, understanding each other more than anything in this world? One thing that we must realise that there will be hundreds of fake people who will come into our life to break and leave us feeling empty, and make us think that we cannot love anyone anymore, there’s that one person whose presence would give you warmth, comfort and most importantly, love. Someone fake leaving your life is a temporary wound but losing your soulmate is like losing a very major section of you, a wound no medicine can heal. But before accomplishing all that, we must overcome a cumbersome hurdle — to realise and believe that love was, is and will always be the mightiest amongst everything existing and non-existing altogether. Nothing is powerful enough to overcome or defeat it. Love is, after all, the core of everything, including God.

